Raising of New Flags

After the Graduation Mass on Thursday 23rd at 2pm,we hope to raise our new JEP and Green Schools Flags at 2.45pm approx. All are welcome to attend.

Athletics Winners

Well done to all the pupils from Arles N.S.who took part in the Laois Primary Schools Track & Field Championships on the 8th June in Tullamore Harriers Stadium. Congratulations to Méabh Gallagher who came 2nd in the 5th Class Girls 800m and came 3rd in the 5th Class Girls Long Jump. Congratulations too to Ben […]

Moo Crew Winners

We are delighted that Arles N.S. won the “Moo Crew” Competition in Co. Laois.  We won a Sports Voucher worth €80 and will also receive a plaque.  Well done to all the pupils who entered this competition. It is sponsored by the National Dairy Council.

Letter re Headlice

Dear Parent or Guardian, There has been a case of headlice in your child’s school and your child may have been exposed. What are headlice? Headlice are little insects with moving legs. They are often not much bigger than a pin head, but may be as big as a sesame seed (the seeds on burger […]

2nd JEP Flag

Congratulations to 4th,5th and 6th classes who received the 2nd JEP Flag for Arles N.S. on Thursday in Carlow. Well done to the pupils who took part in this year’s Junior Entrepreneur Programme and set up their mini-company “Classic Chocolates”. Maith sibh!