On Tuesday 15th March, on a beautiful Spring morning, Arles N.S. celebrated Proclamation Day. The Principal, Mrs.Fitzpatrick, welcomed all the people who had gathered outside the school: pupils, staff, parents, grandparents, and members of the local community. A special welcome was given to Sgt. Major Paul Maher from the Irish Navy and to Corporal Mary Bambrick […]
‘Go leor glas don Gaeilge’ day
Enjoying our whole school assembly! […]
School’s Proclamation
Please click on this Link School Proclamation 2016 for the Senior Room’s Proclamation. It’s also on the Scoilnet Website on https://www.scoilnet.ie/proclamationtemplate/proclamation/procid/830/.
World Book Day Photos
Well done to everybody who dressed up as their favourite character from a book today for World Book Day. Don’t forget to use your World Book Day Tokens soon. See www.worldbookday.com for more information and activities.
See how creative we are!
Some of the art we’ve created since Christmas We combined English and art by using forks to paint tulips on our spring acrostic poems! Our Sacred space changes often but we enjoyed being thankful! These are our very hungry caterpillars or Dónaill an chlúimh (as Gaeilge) […]
Enjoying Athletics – see us in action!
All of the children are really enjoying athletics in St. Abban’s, Breda, John and their helpers are excellent and fun instructors
World Book Day
World Book Day this Thursday 3rd March. On this day pupils can come to school dressed up as a character from a book. First Confession is Thursday 10th March at 7pm. 3rd-6th classes will be singing at it. Many thanks.
Athletics starts this Wednesday 24th Feb in St. Abban’s for 4 weeks for all classes.Cost: 3 euro per pupil per week.
Enrolment Form 2016
Please click on this link Enrolment Form 2016 for Enrolment Form 2016.
Pancake Tuesday
Fairtrade Pancakes on sale in GP Room tomorrow in aid of Trocaire’s Lenten Campaign 9.30-10.00 and 3.00-3.30.Adults- Donation and children-1 euro per pancake. Many thanks.