Comic Drawing Workshop

3rd and 4th class will go to a Comic Drawing Workshop by author Alan Nolan in Ballylinan Library tomorrow Friday.Cost is 3 euro for the bus please. Many thanks.

Update on Football Final

Arles Boys v Killanure Final tomorrow in O’Moore Park at 12.30. All welcome to come and support. Any pupils going to support need to be signed out from school. Entry is free for children and 4 euro for adults. Everyone must enter through the stiles. Programmes are 3 euro. Good luck boys!

Football Final

Football Final takes place on Thursday 22nd October at 12.30 in O’Moore Park, Portlaoise (Abbeyleix End). Boys need to leave the school at 11.10am.  Please organise lifts.

Parent Teacher Meetings

Parent Teacher Meetings will take place on Tuesday 3rd, Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th November. Please see note in your child’s bag re dates and times for you child/children.

Tag Rugby Blitz

Thank you to Wesley, our Tag Rugby Coach, who came to our school on Wednesday 14th October to do a Tag Rugby Blitz with 2nd-6th Classes.  

Arles Boys Final

Congratulations to Arles Boys who will play in the Cumann na mBunscol Football Final next Thursday. Details to follow.

School Mass

School Mass on Monday 19th at 10am in Arles Church.All parents are welcome to attend.No gymnastics on Monday. School closes on Friday 23rd at 3.10 for Mid Term.