Arles Boys v Wolfhill will now be on Tuesday 29th Sept at 1.30pm in Arles.
New Resource Teacher
We welcome Mrs. Louise Ryan, our new Resource Teacher, who will start on Monday 25th September. Ms. Ryan will be shared with two other local schools. Thanks to Ms. Boland who has been subbing in this position for the last few weeks. Go raibh maith agat.
Football Matches Friday 25th Sept.
Arles Boys v Wolfhill at 12 o’clock on Friday 25th in Arles. Arles Girls v Castletown at 1pm on Friday 25th in Arles. Go n-eírí an t-ádh libh!
Daltaí na Seachtaine
Maith Sibh Daltaí na Seachtaine! Daltaí na Seachtaine 23/09/2015
Visit from Irish Defence Forces
On Tuesday 22nd September, we welcomed 2 Officers from the Irish Defence Forces. They both presented the National Flag and a copy of the 1916 Proclamation to the school. Throughout this school year, we will be involved in the 1916 Commemorations as outlined by the Department of Education & Skills. All schools will raise the […]
Boys Match Postponed
Boys Match has been postponed until Friday 25th.
Football Matches Mon 21st and Friday 25th
Arles Boys v Wolfhill in Arles on Monday 21st September at 1.30pm. Arles Girls v Castletown in Arles on Friday 28th September at 1.00pm. Go n-eirí an t-ádh libh!
Gymnastics starts on Monday 21st September for all classes for 8 weeks. Please wear school tracksuit.
St. Abban’s Athletics Cross Country Event
Congratulations to all the pupils who won medals at the Cross Country Event in St. Abban’s on Thursday 17th September. It was a very successful and most enjoyable event.
Peace Proms
We are delighted to take part in Peace Proms again this year. Please see letter in your child’s bag and also on this link: Letter re Peace Proms 2015 Parental consent Forms to be returned to the school by Wednesday 23rd. Many thanks.