3rd-6th Class

3rd-6th Class Please wear school tracksuit on Monday and bring football gear including boots and gum shields. Many thanks

3rd-6th Sports Day

3rd-6th may wear shorts tomorrow Tuesday to school. Apply sun cream. Bring sacks, tights/leggings potato, spoon for sports day races tomorrow. Many thanks.

Junior School Tour

Junior Infants to 2nd Class can wear shorts tomorrow to school. Apply sun cream. Bring 2 drinks, lunch and a hat. Be in school at 8.45am as the bus leaves at 9.

New Junior Infants

Information Meeting for Parents and Teddy Bear’s Picnic for New Junior Infants is now on Wed 28th June in Arles N.S. from 2.15. We look forward to seeing you.

Information on Slapped Cheek

Dear Parent or Guardian, There has been a case of slapped cheek syndrome (sometimes called Fifth Disease) which is caused by the parvovirus B19 virus in your child’s school and your child may have been exposed. What is “Slapped Cheek Syndrome”? It is a mild rash illness that occurs most commonly in children. The ill […]

Tag Rugby Blitz

    On Wednesday 24th May 5th and 6th Class took part in the Tag Rugby Blitz in Killeen. Afterwards they got to see the Womens’ World Cup Trophy.

Graduation Mass

Parents of 6th Class are invited to the Graduation Mass on Thursday 29th June in Arles School at 1.45pm. Many thanks.