
No Swimming this week or next Week. Swimming will resume on Wed 7th June. Therefore the last day of swimming will now be on 28th June. Many thanks.

Tag Rugby

5th and 6th Class will take part in a Tag Rugby Blitz on Wed 24th in Killeen N.S. Bus costs 2.50 each. Wear school tracksuit. Many thanks.

First Communion

Congratulations to the children of Second Class who received their First Holy Communion on Sunday 14th May.  Thank you to the Parents Association and all the parents for organising the refreshments afterwards. Go raibh míle maith agaibh.

Stay Safe

Please see note in your Child’s Bag re Stay Safe Programme that we will be done in every class in the coming weeks. Many thanks.Stay Safe Programme

Book Fair

Book Fair in School from Thursday 27th to Tuesday 2nd May. Open in the GP Room on Friday and Tuesday from 9-10am and from 2.00-3.30pm. Many thanks

School Photographer

School Photographer will come to the school on Thursday 27th. Please return Permission Slips to school by Wed. Pupils wear full school uniform on Thursday.


Please see letter in your Child’s Bag re Swimming for 2nd-6th which starts this Wed 26th.  Parents are welcome to come to the swimming pool on the last session. Swimming Letter 2017