Speech and Drama starts on Thursday 19th January for all classes. Thanks to the Parents Association who are funding this 8 week course.
Tag Rugby
Tag Rugby starts on Wednesday 18th January with Wesley for 1st-6th Classes. Wear school tracksuit.
Peace Proms Rehearsal
Peace Proms Rehearsal tomorrow Tuesday in Dublin. Bus leaves at 10am and will be back in Arles at 4pm. Wear school tracksuit and bring lunch and a drink.
School Re-opens 9th January
Arles N.S. will re-open on Monday 9th January 2017.
Christmas Newsletter
Please click here for Christmas Newsletter 2016. Happy Christmas to all our pupils, staff and parents. School re-opens on Monday 9th January.
Tickets for Christmas Concert
Tickets for the Christmas Concert are now available from the school. Cost is 5 euro per adult and 3 euro per pupil. Pupils from Arles N.S. don’t need to pay, as they are the stars of the show! Raffle Tickets will also be on sale from tomorrow Tuesday and on the night. 1 euro per […]
Peace Proms Tickets
Peace Proms-Tickets go on sale tomorrow Thursday 1st December at 10am on www.peaceproms.com. Arles N.S. are singing on Sunday 5th February at 2pm. Many thanks
Jumble Sale
Thank you to everybody who helped out with the Jumble Sale last Friday and to all who donated items and supported it. We raised €740 for the school. Go raibh míle maith agaibh.
Confirmation Meeting
Confirmation Meeting for Parents of 6th Class next Tuesday 6th Dec at 8pm in Ballylinan N.S. Many thanks.
Mini Scientist
Well done to all the pupils from 4th,5th and 6th Classes who worked so hard over the last few weeks on their Mini Scientist Projects and presented them to the judges on Thursday 17th Nov. Congratulations to Maya Brennan, Luke Donohoe, Harry Byrne and James Byrne who got 1st Prize with their project “Can Potatoes […]